
Die breite Palette an Koffer- und Transportlösungen der bwh Koffermanufaktur bietet für jeden Einsatzzweck das Richtige – ob robuste Transportbox oder edles Präsentationsetui.


The wide range of case and transport solutions of the bwh case manufacturer offers the right thing for every purpose – whether robust transport box or noble presentation case.


Spezialkoffer nach Maß – Robust, individuell und für jeden Einsatzbereich optimiert!

Erleben Sie maßgeschneiderte Kofferlösungen für Ihre Anforderungen und lassen Sie sich Ihren Spezialkoffer individuell anpassen. Vertrauen Sie auf Qualität und Erfahrung – gefertigt in Deutschland!


Präsentationskoffer, die nachhaltig Eindruck hinterlassen – individuell, stabil und hochwertig nach Ihren Wünschen gefertigt.

Entdecken Sie unsere maßgeschneiderten Präsentationskoffer und setzen Sie Ihre Produkte professionell und wirkungsvoll in Szene. Jetzt den perfekten Koffer für Ihren erfolgreichen Auftritt finden!


Bei der Verwendung empfindlicher Geräte im Arbeitsalltag kommt es besonders darauf an, dass diese sicher geschützt und einfach zu handhaben sind.

Mit einem individuellen Gerätekoffer von bwh Spezialkoffer werden Sie allen Ansprüchen gerecht. Die Koffer werden individuell auf Ihre Geräte zugeschnitten, so dass diese direkt aus dem Koffer heraus verwendet werden können.


Wenn Ihre Waren hauptsächlich von einem Ort zum anderen bewegt oder sicher verwahrt werden müssen, dann ist eine Verpackungslösung von bwh Koffer die perfekte Wahl.

Unsere Koffer und Boxen können ganz nach Ihren Anforderungen angepasst werden und bieten eine zuverlässige und sichere Transport- und Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeit für Ihre Produkte.


Sie benötigen einen handlichen Begleiter für den professionellen Auftritt? Etuis von bwh Koffer sind durch ihre Form und Handlichkeit die perfekte Präsentationslösung.

Die Oberflächen können nach individuellen Vorgaben gestaltet werden. Für die Inneneinrichtung Ihres Etuis bietet die bwh-Koffermanufaktur eine Vielzahl an Ausstattungsvarianten, die den Nutzungsanforderungen gerecht werden.

Special cases

Special cases made to measure – robust, individual and optimized for every application!

Experience tailor-made case solutions for your requirements and have your special case customized. Trust in quality and experience – manufactured in Germany!

Presentation cases

Presentation cases that leave a lasting impression – customized, sturdy and made to a high standard according to your wishes!

Discover our customized presentation cases and showcase your products professionally and effectively. Find the perfect case for your successful presentation now!

Equipment Cases

When using sensitive equipment in everyday work, it is particularly important that it is safely protected and easy to handle.

With an individual equipment case from bwh Spezialkoffer you will meet all requirements. The cases are individually tailored to your devices so that they can be used directly from the case.




If your goods are mainly moved from one place to another or need to be stored safely, then a packaging solution from bwh Koffer is the perfect choice.

Our cases and boxes can be adapted to your requirements and offer a reliable and safe transport and storage facility for your products.


Do you need a handy companion for your professional appearance? Cases from bwh Koffer are the perfect presentation solution thanks to their shape and practicality.

The surfaces can be designed according to individual specifications. For the interior design of your case, bwh-Koffermanufaktur offers a wide range of equipment variants that meet the usage requirements.


Um Ihre Muster sicher transportieren und optimal präsentieren zu können nutzen Sie einen individuellen Musterkoffer von bwh Koffer.

Die innovativen Musterkoffer der bwh Koffermanufaktur bestechen durch ein hohes Maß an Qualität und Funktionalität. So werden Ihre Warenmuster sicher transportiert und beim Kunden professionell präsentiert.

Sample cases

To transport your samples safely and present them optimally, use an individual sample case from bwh Koffer.

The innovative sample cases from bwh Koffermanufaktur impress with a high level of quality and functionality. Your samples are transported safely and presented professionally to the customer.


Unsere maßgeschneiderten Demokoffer ermöglichen interaktive Produktpräsentationen direkt beim Kunden. Mit integriertem Stromanschluss und stabiler Bauweise bringen sie technische Produkte zum Leben und hinterlassen einen bleibenden Eindruck – individuell angepasst, hochwertig verarbeitet und “Made in Germany”.

Entdecken Sie jetzt die spannenden Möglichkeiten, die unsere Demokoffer bieten!

Demo cases

Our customized demo cases enable interactive product presentations directly at the customer’s premises. With an integrated power connection and sturdy construction, they bring technical products to life and leave a lasting impression – individually customized, high-quality workmanship and “Made in Germany”.

Discover the exciting possibilities offered by our demo cases now!

Überblick Kofferserien

Entdecken Sie unsere vielseitigen Kofferserien – von Alu- und Kunststoffkoffern bis zu Speziallösungen. Perfekt für Präsentation, Transport und Schutz!

Overview of case series

Discover our versatile case series – from aluminum and plastic cases to special solutions. Perfect for presentation, transportation and protection!

We make ideas portable.
We make ideas portable.
We make ideas portable.

We will find the perfect custom case for you:
Your ideas become individual case solutions at bwh Koffer

Do you want to transport your product in a protected manner, present yourself to your customers in the best possible way or make working with your product easier? Then we at bwh Koffer would be pleased to develop a special case together with you, which is exactly tailored to your needs.

bwh Koffer offers you a tailor-made solution for your industry, whether it is an equipment case for industry, a sample case for service providers, a presentation case for sales representatives, an election case for authorities, a tool case for the trade or transport boxes for logistics.

Koffer für Messtechnik
Glue foam into special case

Individualisation is our core competence

Not only the outer shell, but also the inside of the case plays a major role in the individualisation of your dream case. Whether you need a foam insert, a deep-drawn interior or an equipment integration in the case – at bwh Koffer you get a wide range of equipment options.

As a certified case manufacturer according to DIN EN ISO 9001, bwh Koffer produces the perfect case for your company. With over 40 years of experience in the construction of special cases we know what is important as a case manufacturer. A customized case is cheaper than you think – and our initial consultation is of course always free of charge and without obligation.

Individualisation is our core competence

Not only the outer shell, but also the inside of the case plays an important role in the individualisation of your dream case. No matter whether you need a foam insert, a deep-drawn interior or a device installation in the case – at bwh Koffer you will receive a wide range of equipment options.

As a certified case manufacturer according to DIN EN ISO 9001, bwh Koffer produces the perfect case for your company. With almost 40 years of experience in the construction of special cases we know what is important as a case manufacturer. A tailor-made case is cheaper than you think – and our initial consultation is of course always free of charge and without obligation.

Glue foam into special case


Benefit from our experience – Benefit from bwh Koffer.

Your products deserve only the best – your products deserve a case from bwh

As the market leader in the construction of special cases, bwh Koffer supports you in the realisation of your dreams and wishes. bwh Koffer has, in addition to many years of experience in the construction of cases, its own development department, which converts your personal ideas into individual case solutions with state-of-the-art equipment such as a 3D scanner or a 3D printer and is continuously working at full speed on further innovations.

With a case from bwh you not only protect and transport your product in an optimal way, you also refine it! Because standard is available from others, at bwh you receive a unique quality solution that will enhance the appearance of your goods. Benefit from our experience – benefit from bwh Koffer.